MathFIT 2002

Call for Proposals


The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council invites applications for research project, network and visiting fellowship proposals under the MathFIT (Mathematics for Information Technology) initiative. The initiative is jointly sponsored by the EPSRC and the London Mathematical Society (LMS), and began in the summer of 1996, was subsequently expanded in spring 2000 and will run until 2003. A budget of £1.5 million has been ear-marked for this call.


The basic aim of MathFIT is to develop new interdisciplinary interactions between mathematics and computer science, where 'mathematics' and 'computer science' are to be interpreted broadly and to include, for example, statistics and operations research, and information technology and artificial intelligence, respectively. These interactions might take the form of:

However, it should be noted that

Of course, this does not necessarily mean new research topics, as a new interaction can be built upon existing research; but in any such interaction there must be a new 'dimension' not previously present.  Examples of proposals deemed to be MathFIT include those funded under the MathFIT 2000 Call and under the MathFIT 2001 Call.


In order to be considered under the MathFIT 2002 Call, the aims of MathFIT must be clearly demonstrated in any research project, network or visiting fellowship proposal, irrespective of the merits of the proposal. Consequently, the Case for Support should include a paragraph stating how the proposed research will further the aims of MathFIT. Whilst MathFIT proposals are appraised against the normal EPSRC criteria of quality, novelty, timeliness and relevance, the referees will also be asked to state whether a proposal meets the aims of MathFIT. If a research grant proposal submitted in under the MathFIT 2002 Call fails to meet the aims of the initiative, it will be rejected; although if the referees' reports are nevertheless strongly supportive then the applicant may then be offered the opportunity to immediately resubmit a revised proposal under responsive mode (otherwise the normal EPSRC procedure of waiting six months will apply)..

MathFIT research grant proposals will be assessed by referees drawn mainly from the EPSRC College and at least one referee nominated by the proposer. MathFIT proposals which receive at least two strongly supportive referees' comments will then be considered in competition with other research grant proposals by a MathFIT peer review prioritisation panel. This panel will use referees reports to help it evaluate whether a proposal meets the aims and objectives of MathFIT.  If referees reports are conflicting or insufficiently many referees have commented on eligibility for MathFIT then the panel will use its expertise to decide. Proposals meeting the MathFIT criteria will then be ranked in order of merit and those high-quality proposals above the budget cut-off will be recommended for support. Funding decisions are expected to be made in February 2003.

Some frequently asked questions about MathFIT and the MathFIT 2002 Call can be found here.

How to Apply

All proposals for research project, network and visiting fellowship grants should be made as are standard responsive mode grant proposals; that is, using the form EPS(RP). They should include a Case for Support structured and formatted according to the published EPSRC guidelines. If a research assistant is named in the proposal then a short CV of that person should also be included. It should be clearly stated that the proposal has been submitted in reply to the MathFIT 2002 Call. Further details of the application procedure can be found on the EPSRC's web-site.

The orginals and eight copies of the form EPS(RP) and any accompanying Case for Support, CVs and other documents should be sent to:

The proposal should arrive no later than 5 pm on Friday 18 October 2002. This deadline will be strictly enforced. Original copies are required for processing and faxed copies will not be accepted.

Research Training Aspects of MathFIT

The MathFIT initiative is intended to stimulate collaboration between innovative scientists in mathematics and computer science. In addition, it also aims to support the training infrastructure needed to enable high-quality research students to work in these new interdisciplinary areas, and to ensure that the wider community is aware of recent developments and trained in the contemporary scientific and mathematical techniques required to understand and implement them. Consequently, as well as funding research projects, networks and visiting fellowships, MathFIT also supports workshops and summer schools. These are considered and funded jointly between EPSRC and the London Mathematical Society, and are subject to separate calls for proposals. Details of the current MathFIT Call for Workshops and Summer Schools for 2003 can be found here).

Contacts for Additional Information

Applicants are encouraged to discuss their proposals prior to submission with the MathFIT Co-ordinator Professor Iain A. Stewart (tel: 0191 374 3920; e-mail: ).

Information about EPSRC procedures should be directed to:
Editorial Control: Professor I.A. Stewart. Page last changed: 1 October 2002.
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